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Values Marketing Workshop Overview

Prior to undertaking a widespread marketing campaign, Zenzi believes the first and most critical step is developing a deep understanding of your customers’ motivations and inner needs.


As founders of the Values Marketing movement we have created a FREE educational workshop to speak directly to the needs of your organization or company;


During your Values Marketing workshop you will learn about the following shifts in Marketing.  


  • How technology has created a “need it now” mindset

  • Why demographics no longer tell the whole story

  • Explain the evolution of personalization boom headed our way

  • Understand why emotions play a vital role to influencing human decisions and buying behaviors


Please begin by filling out this brief survey so that we may personalize the educational workshop to fit the values of your company. After the workshop we will be able to show you how you can be on your way to creating more impactful and fruitful marketing campaigns.

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